Brian Mwiruki
Software Engineer
I am a full-stack developer with extensive experience in team-based production environments emphasizing quality control and who excels at communication and problem-solving. I embrace the life-long pursuit of knowledge and conquering new challenges through a logical, data-driven approach.
Services I Offer
Throughout my career, I have honed my skills in a variety of programming languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python. I have also worked extensively with frameworks such as React, Next, Angular, Node.js, and Django, and I am familiar with database management systems like MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.
Front-End Developer
Some of my favourite development tools are Next and React JS mainly for the User Interface, but i also work with the tools highlighted below for front end application development and design.
Tools & Technology
Backend Developer
I am proficient in java and python with the major frameworks being Spring boot and Django respectively. Employing the use of MYSQL for database features when developing software. Other technologies highligted below.
Tools & Technology
API Development & Intergretion
I majorly use spring boot and javascript for API development and intergration, Especially when working on highly scalable applications.
Tools & Technology
Here are some projects I have worked on